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  • You dont have to pay :3
    Mine is just lying around gaining dust, its nice to give it to someone who will have a use out of it :3

    Heres my fc
    0705 4791 6884

    Well, msg me and ill hop online and bring over the table ^~^
    Hi I saw your board and I can sell the rainbow screen and aurora screen for 10 tbt.:) If you're interested please inform me thanks.
    No problem. I was originally going to keep poppy, and get her to move into my main town, but I don't have room, and I don't want to get rid of anyone, lol
    My fc: 3007-8747-8237
    Town name is Nanimo (I couldn't think of a better name, lol)
    Poppy is 100% original.
    If anything has been changed, it may be her catchphrase/gretting. But I didn't change it. She may have have changed by herself (Copying other villagers).
    I had someone say that they want her at like 4am, but they haven't replied back to me yet. if they respond before you, I'm gonna give poppy to that person
    yeah 30 is fine, i just want her to go to a loving home, since she was a good friend while she was in my town. ;w;/ whats your friends code?
    hey! id prefer to sell her for btb, but id be willing to trade her for lopez + some btb, perhaps? and yeah id be fine with your friend taking her!
    Aw sadly I don't have a dream address yet because my town is not progressed enough to be satisfying to dream of. But I will be sure to post on the forum when I do!
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