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  • Yeah I was thinking about that, it's a good idea. I just halfed the price, i'd even give her away tbh she doesn't deserve the void haha! Thanks for the tip tho :)
    ah okay! It's just that i don't want to void her she's such a sweetie but no one seems to want her :(
    Hi I saw that you were lurking for poppy in a thread and I have her in boxes right now.Do you want to adopt her? :)
    Loool right?! They just kept popping up one after the other xD LOL It's no problem! Tbh I need to find a cranky before I move my last dream villager in so I can get a certain PWP cx
    Ikr, it's nice.
    Ahh and I had Poppy Dx I could have given her to you instead of voiding her ;-; I'm happy that you got Ruby. She's so cute and I'm happy rn I'm moving in Marshal xD Yesterday it was Fauna and two days before that it was Bunnie and Hazel.
    Like in a week I've gotten 5 dreamies o.o I was villager resetting and Teddy showed up. I'll keep an eye out for the rest of your dreamies tho c:
    It's okay! It happens cx Oooo alrighty well I'm only looking for Melba and Alice now c: Thank YOOUUU! And like wise! What are your dreamies btw?
    (Your inbox is full aha)
    Oh I've kind of given up with looking in threads cx
    My timezone is GMT +3 so I;m always asleep when Cycling threads are alive. ;-;
    So I just villager reset until I get my dreamies cx which is working so far!
    Ive gotten Beau and Rosie c:

    Ozzie popped up in my camp the other night and I got so excited because I thought it was Melba from behind xD
    you can send it whenever is best for you c:
    i'll add you & let you know when my gates are open!
    hi! i actually have 48mill worth of bells in my town right now for someone who was going to pick it up, did you want to come pick up instead? or would you rather we did the re-tail method.

    if you were to pick up i do have an abd right next to the pick up area you could use haha.
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