Florence + The Machine

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  • I notice you have Flip in your town.. My friend really wants him.. Would you be willing to sell him? (If I get a hamster who you still need in my cycling town, I'd happily trade them)
    No, its tammy xD I was working on plot resetting, but I didnt want to make you wait forever to pick Astrid up
    Finally. After nearly two months worth of time traveling and literally every villager giving me moving dates except her, Apple has decided to leave. I'll put her in boxes whenever you're ready.

    Edit: Adding this as a reminder: Moving date, Dec. 3rd (phew).
    No lol xD haha but yeah Graham would be tons better without the pig action going on <_< but then there's Rodney too and he's just...

    Oh nice! Did you do it yourself?
    Wait wat? Samson has a regular black nose like a rat xD Graham has the piggy nose haha

    I was just wondering what you were going to do for it c:
    No problem. C: and seriously. His mouth creeps me out. If he didn't have those beady eyes and weird mouth when he talked, I would like him, but noooo he just HAD to be beady eyes and ugly mouth + pukey green

    Oh, I meant to ask, did you make your village flag yet? :>
    I'll keep looking. I haven't had a streetpass in weeks and today I had a random one and Samson moved in :/
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