Florence + The Machine

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  • I can only play it Saturday, I have a concert all day on Sunday. I made sure I was able to pick it up tomorrow xD
    Im so glad you could take Astrid for me:3 Once I find a town I'm satisfied with, I'll put her in my Alt. Town, so let me know whenever you get her out^~^
    Its ok, you dont have to^~^ but I'll wait if I cant find anyone else xD I havent found a town with any villagers I like, so if I get one with hamsters, I'll keep it and TT them out:3
    I just restarted my Alt. Town, would you help me move a few things over there?:3 its ok if you cant\ dont want to thought>~<
    It may be Sunday or Monday before I can get her out, so don't worry about it. As for dads turning of wi-fi, sheesh. I've been there.
    I got an offer for 6mil, but since I've had so much trouble TTing her out, that buyer may no longer be interested. I'll let you know if she's still available when I have a moving date for her. I doubt I would ask for that much, though.
    Aww, thanks! But all the same, if I see any hamsters floating around I'll direct you to them. :>
    Yikes, I don't. But I understand, feel free to keep looking for your top priority villagers. Good luck!
    Hello! I was directed here by someone saying you had Punchy and may be willing to part with him? I have around 6.5 million bells on hand, if that's a good enough offer. If not, then thank you for your time!
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