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  • Hi! I was wondering if you happen to have a current Dream Address! I typed in the dream address that you have in your About Me tab, but it didn't work! I wanted to visit your dream town because of your signature. The map looks so cool!
    Thank you! I'm all "sold out" for the moment so I think I'll have to wait until the next few events to get that egg :) But I can only try, right ;)
    Hi Flyffel! Just wanted to ask since there have been many threads already..
    If you're not keeping your pastel popper (what a beautiful new collectible!), do let me know. :)
    Yeah that would've been too crazy! Thank you though, it's the thought that counts :)
    I got myself the chocolate cake already. I just sold a pink cosmos and the others aren't really in the colours I'm looking for, so I don't think I need anything else from those for now.. :) Thank you though!
    Hiya! So just so we're clear on who's getting what, since tokens will be distributed around noon EST :) I am getting the light blue one? Any message you'd like on it?
    hello! I'm very sorry to bother you, but I was wondering, do you ever plan to sell your star wand? :)
    Hey I am so so sorry that I never got back to you! Someone in my shop bought the hammer and the person I was helping no longer seems to want it (they are now looking for a fresh feather) so sorry to waste your time and good luck getting your wanted collectables, you seem really nice
    yes! Thank you so much! And thank you offering your purple and red feather, thankfully I found someone who wanted more than just feathers
    Hola Flyffel! Hope youre doing well, I was just wondering if youd ever consider selling/trading your pinwheel? :D
    Awesome and no worries, will do! (It is very late over here so I will tomorrow if you don’t mind)
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