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  • Hello, sorry to bother you but may I ask if you would accept Skarmoury’s tbt offer plus a toy hammer for the pink feather?
    YESSS OMG Thank you so much for trading with her!! She's such a sweetheart <3
    Well if you're ever looking for a new nickname, you have it there ;) Thanks again!
    Bag of toys is a cool concept :) and haha nobody will blame you for including 2 pinwheels!!
    Thank you!! Yours looks awesome too :) so many good collectibles and double pinwheels!!
    Oh whoops didn't read your last message! I can see the emoji, I'll try copying and pasting that then!
    You can write anything on mine
    Yes I think its possible! Do you want me to copy and paste all those question marks and try it out?
    Aw, I love the message! :)

    Thanks again for the awesome trade!
    Now I finally have a heart wand, and you have one of the 30 Strange Dolls :)
    OMG, only 61 TBT eh?! That's crazy.

    I don't know about a good message for the heart wand.. I'm super bad at thinking of cool/cute messages to go along with collectibles! So any message you find fitting for the heart wand would be great, maybe you could include a sparkling emoji heart at the end? They apparently don't show here on VM's, but they do on the collectibles! :) You can copy it here:

    Thank you! Will send you my doll now, with your desired message.
    I think there are a few more.. Maybe around 4 or 5? I was trying to find the post where it had a list of the owners, but can't find it anymore..
    So just so I know, as I wasn't around when these Weird Dolls were distributed..
    How could one be obtained? And the very first one was distributed to Heyden?
    Okay, I'll do the same for you :)
    Just know I might be off to bed soon (it's 10.45PM here), so I might only be able to send it over tomorrow my timezone.
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