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  • Sorry, I can't guarantee when they'll be out, you might have just to buy other collectibles. I understand it might suck but we can't plan the timing of everything around that. :p
    consolation prize lol it isn't much though so don't worry about it xD
    also aw penguins did u go to a zoo or something? o:
    Isn't it? I've played for almost 12 months now, and I've never got one in stock apart from the one gained in the demo
    Haha that list went really wonky on here lol I am on mobile though so that's likely why. I'll continue this conversation back on your thread then since that seems easier. :) (and less wonky)
    oh, sorry! ;o; I wasn't entirely sure what you meant, but I'm glad if whatever you weren't sure about is working for you now?
    umm i believe you have to go to your dropbox, and then it says share with >> specific people? I'm not sure since I never personally shared my dropbox with anyone, but I think you have to tell me what your drop box is so that we can share it and then you can use the space available in mine? ///
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