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  • Sorry its not working for me^^ can i plz have my tbt back? says error so i guess me its area proof
    It worked! Thank you very much, forever grateful. :blush: You only had one code to sell, right? Just making sure! Your inbox was full so that's why I'm leaving you a message here now. :)
    I completely agree with your post about Aika, it is truly art. Like no other town I've seen has come close to it. Just everything about it is so flawless, the pacing, the music, the way the rooms are decorated. It is just so meticulously thought out and I just truly, truly enjoy it. It's not scary per se in the way that like, a dude jumping out at you from a closet with an axe would be scary. It's just... disturbing? Something along those lines. It's not a kind of jump scare but rather something that crescendos in its creepiness.
    owo sorry I got confused lol you said that I could do it if I tried?? I'll scrounge up a photo of my map shortly tho >w<
    ; A;! Would you be willing to clean up a map of my town? I've tried many times and it just never ends up looking right :\

    I could pay you in BTB or with a signature/design/graphic if you'd be interested >w< Sorta like an art trade.
    I meant the pixel art >w<. Like the way you illustrated the trees and paths and all that, it looks stellar!~
    ikr? Probably will change my username sometime though, but I don't know to what yet. ^^;;
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