Milky-Chii Nov 19, 2014 Yes! It's one of my most favorite animes/mangas >w< Chii is sooo adorable ;A;
Leela Nov 19, 2014 *rips fuzzybug's face off and feeds it to bloodthirsty chinchillas* Chatzyyy I'm taking a very short break from ACNL :3 Me and your mum are in love.
*rips fuzzybug's face off and feeds it to bloodthirsty chinchillas* Chatzyyy I'm taking a very short break from ACNL :3 Me and your mum are in love.
brownboy102 Nov 18, 2014 Thought you said you were... Eh, nevermind. Wanna open my gate or should I, or not at all?
Leela Nov 18, 2014 Come and meet himmmm He's not scary, he's really nice :3 And if you feel awkward you can make up an excuse to leave He's not here yet anyway, he'll be a few minutes
Come and meet himmmm He's not scary, he's really nice :3 And if you feel awkward you can make up an excuse to leave He's not here yet anyway, he'll be a few minutes
Leela Nov 18, 2014 Don't worry, I'll clear the room XD I told him we were just trying to think of weird names, which is why there are weird usernames down the side
Don't worry, I'll clear the room XD I told him we were just trying to think of weird names, which is why there are weird usernames down the side
Leela Nov 18, 2014 Fuzzybug... the reason I had to leave was because I had arranged to talk with an IRL friend tonight. But he said he doesn't mind coming on Chatzy :3 Do you want to meet him? :3
Fuzzybug... the reason I had to leave was because I had arranged to talk with an IRL friend tonight. But he said he doesn't mind coming on Chatzy :3 Do you want to meet him? :3
honeyaura Nov 18, 2014 Whenever we hang out, what can I do to make this up to you love? For being so patient with me lol
brownboy102 Nov 17, 2014 My laptop, is being a gadtamn sh*******. So i'm going to sleep in a little while, & then go to school. Story of my life. ._. So, sorry about that, as I never thought I would need it again.
My laptop, is being a gadtamn sh*******. So i'm going to sleep in a little while, & then go to school. Story of my life. ._. So, sorry about that, as I never thought I would need it again.
brownboy102 Nov 17, 2014 Oh, crud. I removed it since, as I told you, i'm creating more dress designs. Didn't think I needed it.. Also, back on my 3DS internet, *cries*
Oh, crud. I removed it since, as I told you, i'm creating more dress designs. Didn't think I needed it.. Also, back on my 3DS internet, *cries*