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  • That's really good :3 Exquisite was a good word to use :3

    I've never actually read 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. I guess you liked it? :)

    Also, Aurora moved into Glaçage! Squee!
    I regret not hiding "PANTS, TOO MUCH BOOTY IN THE PANTS" somewhere in the review to see if you found it.
    I sent it, hopefully you see before you start the review :)

    If you fail, don't blame me haha
    oh right lol


    Jk, sure, I'll send it to you by PM. I don't know who Jane is though.
    Yeah :( I'll be getting my schedule for the week today, so I'll let you know when I'm next available!
    Exhausting, we never got to unfinish unpacking yesterday,
    so we had to continue today x.x my back is killing me lol


    Yours! Yes, yours.

    It's pretty simple, except the bottom part, and it was pretty hard to design.


    but be sure to at least try. It's better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. :blush:
    Another example:

    "He was angry." vs "A bright fire burned in his eyes as the scowl on his face grew wider and wider."
    It's the whole concept of showing and not telling.

    "She was embarrassed." vs. "Her face turned bright red at the notion of going on a date with him."
    Oh dear Lord what did I link you to...

    Oh that's right. I showed someone that video earlier, I must have sent you the wrong link XD sorry about that.
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