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  • I have to go for dinner now ;_; I'll message you when I'm back, hopefully there'll be time!
    Never realised you couldn't use strikethroughs in VMs. My life has been ruined ;_; lol
    Erik is being picked up at 5pm (next hour) but if you're free after that, we could possibly meet up! We'd have to go to your town again though, as mine is a complete mess from cycling Erik out :(
    Thanks again for the tour! After I build a lovely town, I will definitely invite you over! I am making a pink town :3
    I bought two just because I had some money left over on my account. I got Hanafuda and Black Gold Stars :3

    Have fun with Pokémon art academy!
    Meh, not maths! Oh, by the way, I have a week off school now :D plenty of time for meeting up :3
    I forgot to say, my dreamies keep pinging, so I have to then cycle really slowly in order to get another animal to move out.

    And yes, I'll dream of Erik leaving :3
    If you're not online by tonight, I'll have to get someone else to hold my items and delete my town ;_; I hope you can make it!
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