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  • "The following errors occurred with your submission
    fuzzybug has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

    Oh noes ;_;
    How are you still cursed? It's not even halloween anymore :p

    When it was 10pm for you, it was 2am for me :3 I'm four hours ahead of you until your clocks change.

    Imma try PM you now...
    I seen the auction thread. I was the cursed person that responded by saying -13. lol The Rosalina that you have been seeing is my alt character. Tyki tells me that you and her end up duping various items. I don't want to feel like I am stopping you from duping. I actually dupe with her also or get island metals since none of us have the gold badge.
    Tykibutterfree is actually the person that cursed me. xD She is my sister and I asked her to pass it on to me. lol
    If you give it back, all I would do is pass it on again. :p You can pass it on to someone though. You'll still be cursed, but you should be able to post again.
    I can't send you a PM, so I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you stuff here. Feel the shame :)<

    As it turns out, you're lucky you didn't get the dark candy. It ended up just being everyone desperately searching for spooky toothpaste to get rid of the curse haha. I was lucky, many people are still searching...

    And by the way, I only sleep an average of 4 hours a night. Although, the last few nights I've had about two hours per night.

    Also, we should totally collaborate to make a roleplay! I've seen these slow going ones for people who don't want to spend their whole life roleplaying. Since people don't feel pressured to post regularly, they move more slowly and it's easier to keep up with the story :3
    Someone gave it to me but I had to give it straight back. I'm sorry ;_; I'll keep a look out for one, hopefully I can get it for you :) Guero101 is in the same situation as me.
    Aren't the yellows unlimited? lol

    PS Guero101 is in the pact! More chance of getting it for all of us now :)
    I really want to get a dark candy, and then send it to somebody along with Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" in a private message.

    Also, good luck trying to buy the blue candies! I don't have enough bells haha
    I keep checking the shop! I managed to get a red candy a couple of hours ago but that's it.

    Also, if you sent me your blue candy you wouldn't have one yourself :p but that doesn't matter with the dark candies, you'll still be cursed. Mwahaha
    There are random restocks all day! I want a dark candy!

    Do you want the dark candy? If so, we should make a deal. If one of us gets it, they will send it to the other. Then we will both be ghosts :)<

    Unless you don't want to be cursed lol
    You're welcome! Why am I a stinker? lol

    PS If I manage to get my hands on a dark candy, I'm sending it to you :)<
    Wow... that stinks. Good luck. ;-;

    Ooooh, that sounds cool. I can't wait to see what you come up with. :D
    This laptop is so slow. Like, seriously, THE CONTINENTS are moving faster than this.
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