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  • I have a really long PM to send you, but your inbox is full. I hope I can find you whilst you're online so you can read it as soon as I send it.
    Just a random thought... I can't be the only one who's noticed the VOCALOID Seven Deadly Sins series goes in colour order: Rin, MEIKO, Luka, Gakupo, KAITO, Miku, Gumi
    Heh. You should read it~

    Oh. :/
    I slept at 2am and got up at just now (11:45am). :D

    Alright! Sounds like a plan. Good luck earning your freedom back!
    I was worried so much I started to get depressed... I'm so sorry, this was all my fault. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please let me know! Be it voodoo dolls orr magic- anything! I'm just sooo sorry this happened ;-;
    Wait, do you still use the internet for school? Did your parents block certain sites or something?
    Oh, wow... wait... so they found your chatzy?

    Oh, okay. I might not be up because I like to sleep in... and will do!
    Good night! ^-^
    Oh, okay. Good luck on that!

    Oh, my... that is bad... hm... >w<

    Was it on TBT? o_O

    Yes, tons of updates! When you get your privileges back, you'll have a ton to read! Aww... okay, have a good night then?

    Sweet! She's been around Wishyco a lot lately and we've enjoyed chatting with the others too. When you're back, you should join us~
    Welcome back! We missed you! ^-^

    Oh, my... how bad was it? o_O
    (I guess.)

    Writing's been great, actually! You missed a lot of updates! And a new story I started too! Oh, and Leela made a CYOA! :D

    If you see this, please PM me or get on chatzy if you can. We miss you :( I hope everything's alright.
    Eeeep thanks! <3

    I tried my best to make it to your liking, so I'm glad I did good! if you ever want more in the future, I should have a shoppe up in like, a week tops! ^^
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