Cramon Feb 19, 2015 Hi I'm so sorry. Haven't had time to get on, tons of family issues, rough week. Ect. So when your on tell me!
Hi I'm so sorry. Haven't had time to get on, tons of family issues, rough week. Ect. So when your on tell me!
Beleated_Media Feb 18, 2015 I would but my friends are forcing my to play smash... I might be able to do it later on 1 am ish
Beleated_Media Feb 17, 2015 Got it! Also I technically have one week of summer vacation, I'm moving to another state blah blah blah.
Got it! Also I technically have one week of summer vacation, I'm moving to another state blah blah blah.
Beleated_Media Feb 17, 2015 Oh yeah, what time would you like to play? If we could play earlier than we might have more overall playtime (pointing out the obvious)
Oh yeah, what time would you like to play? If we could play earlier than we might have more overall playtime (pointing out the obvious)