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  • Heya~

    I just wanted to let you know
    More price options have been added in the adopt shop,
    so if youre still interested in #2 you can check that out and figure out whats best for you :)
    Hi, just wanted to let you know that I won't be available from 22:00-23:00 UTC. Let me know when's a good time to deliver your sand castle. :)
    hey, i'm so sorry for taking so long. ready when you are. oh, and i'd prefer coming to you if that's okay. :)
    Just saw your post! If you'd prefer to pick it up from my town that's fine, just let me know when you've added my FC.
    Hi Gabi! I saw a post about you asking for a gif signature. I have a signature shop if you want to look into it~ you do not have to go and buy if you don't need any~ Just to look around here is the link to my shop

    *Click this link*

    Also your Inbox is full!
    Well, as you may remember, My friend Briana was holding her because I had no room. We share this account.
    I've thought about it, but idk it's such a hassle sometimes. Just don't worry about it, you can probably find the items with someone else on the forum so best of luck ^^
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