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  • Won't be coming home again til May. The Wi-Fi in my dorm has a firewall that blocks communications with people on my Friends List. >_<
    Sure tomorrow would be fine. What is your time zone and what time would u be available? I'm in PST (Pacific Standard Time) and I will be available around 5:00-9:00PM my time tomorrow.
    Hi! Pietro has been temporarily adopted by crxsserchan now. I'll add u and open my gates so u can make your payment of that's alright with u. Mayor Jasmine of Clarity. :)
    I can wait. How long do u think it will take? Or do u have any friends that would be willing to hold Pietro for u? :3
    So u never time travel? Because I really don't want to void him but I have a dreamie of my own waiting for me. &#55357;&#56853;
    Hello! if you'd like, you can come and pick up your zodiac goat :) My gates are open so just come by when you can. Town name's Narnia.
    Yup, are u ready to pick him up? I may have to void him very soon if u can't get a villager out soon, because I might have to pick up a dreamie of mine. I'm very sorry. :( But I will try to hold him for u for as long as I possibly can so don't worry. c:
    Hi, your offer for the sailboat model still stands? Are you sure? ^^ Let me know when we can trade!
    Hi, I've added you :) let me know when to open the gates. Also, instead of 850k just pay me 500k. ^.^
    Oh thanks! Its nice that your doing runner ups! OK, register me and I'll meet up with you when your ready. Thanks again! :)
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