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  • Ahhh I’m so sorry but I actually managed to find what I was looking for on the GTS. D:
    Thank you so much for searching though! It was very kind of you. :)
    Hope you had a great weekend also! No I've never played any of those games. Honestly I didn't even know they exist haha
    Hiya :) no worries - I'm available practically all day today so just drop me a message when you're online
    Hmm, I'm in Festival Plaza now, but I can't see you - tried coming out and back in, but no dice. Any ideas? :(
    Thanks I appreciate the offer! :) I'm kind of a fake Pokemon fan because I don't own any of the actual games but I spend all day playing Pokecord on discord lol. But I'll let you know if I ever need help with something on TBT!
    Funny story!! I saw in Ben's thread how you were short TBT and I was like "aw, I'd like to help them but I'm broke, if only I had more money then I would." Then later I logged on I saw I had won the 1k!! So I was like "oh sweet I'm not broke anymore!" So I decided to put it to good use :cool:
    I'm not sure why I'm so excited for seeing her up there ahhahaha!! xD Maybe I'm tired. lol And thank you<3 I've finished my festivale. It's been my favorite event for years. But, once I start the viva! festivale! I always ended up collecting feathers with no end, till I'm 100% done with it. And it always went on for like a week (yes I'm a time traveller) that eventually my fam takes away my 3DS, seeing my tired face. Y'know, it's a face of someone obsessing over something TOO much. Psssst.
    However, thanks for saying so, Giddy<3 How is your writing going on btw?
    hi!! im so sorry i havent been active for a bit, but actually you dont have to save them for me its np at all!! im so sorry for the mixup and not being very responsive >_< if its possible would you be ok with sending the tbt i paid back? its totally ok if you cant but im not playing new leaf right now so i dont mind if you need to get rid of the items! ;w;
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