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  • hey, can i ask for a test battle again, trying to figure stuff out with this one
    ah, like that :p

    do you need help beeding in gen 6 ?
    because i have a few pokemon ready to be trained in gen 6
    i have already like 120 pokemon at Lv.100
    and almost all of them already have the item they need.

    why didn't you rearrange them sooner ? :p
    training some pokemon up to Lv.100.
    and than breeding some new ones.

    what abut you ?
    it's nice that you have a friend willing to help you out with the world building and character development in your stories.

    that's too bad that you're having so much trouble figuring out the training in those games :(
    I've been good too, thank you.

    that's great to hear that the story is getting more and more solid as time goes one :)

    in your moon/sun, and also in your X/y/OR/AS,
    really looking forward to our real battle :)
    and if you need help training in X/Y/OR/AS i can help you out, if you want to.
    or get you whatever it is you need in those games.
    hey, how've you been ?
    how are your stories getting along ?
    and how is your team building going ?
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