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  • Hey, would you have time to exchange sometime this weekend? :) I live in the U.S. Central Standard Time and can check in frequently. I was away for the holidays but will keep checking in.
    Lol your signature is so cool!! one punch man is awesome and that dance is awesome!!
    I'm sorry I was asleep then :c I'm available now. It's almost noon for me. And then I should be here off and on until about 5pm CST.
    lol i play so late so I just saw your vm, sometime tomorrow I'll make sure to get to your order thanks!
    Hahaha thanks! He's always been my favorite so I just kept going. Worth it for sure haha. A lot of them are from first generation games too, which I thought was cool.
    Oh boy, this is gonna be an adventure haha :D I'm online now and should be for most of the day/evening today and tomorrow!
    yeah sure, i'll give u the code once you've paid ^^
    (also im so used to trading i forgot it was a code lmao i couldve just give it to u yesterday .-.)
    Hi! you're not a bother at all and oof I didn't even know I won, woo! I have looked up the picture before and I couldn't find out about the name but I think it was a French princess or something.
    omg perfect i forgot that it was continent inclusive or whatever. i'll be available tomorrow if thats ok with you? also what price would be ok?
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