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  • i'm not using any method, it was just the luck of the draw that it was shiny, just like how i got my halucha.
    halucha was also just the luck of the draw.
    i do how ever have the shiny charm, so i do have increased odds of getting a shiny.
    i am willing to try the masuda method but i need a 6 IV non english ditto to do that.
    and no one seems to have that.

    and we really should battle at some point when you're ready.
    but i gotta warn ya, i'm not going down easy.
    as my current win percentage is 82,1 and will only go up
    that is one of my most powerful teams.
    ( if you don't count legendary pokemon, and take into a count not to have to many of the same weaknesses )

    yes, i had people give up on me about 14 times.
    ( it was because of my mega Gyarados having either 1 or 2 dragon dances, and sweeping their team. )

    i have also other pokemon with setup moves such as stealth rock, sticky web, spikes, toxic spikes, bulk up, dragon dance, moonlight, etc...
    but i use those in other teams.

    oh, and did i tell you ?
    i just got a shiny miltank while breeding for a good one ( it wasn't )
    but still, that's shiny nr.41
    my main team
    Monkydo ( the Darmanitan )
    - U-turn
    - Flare blitz
    - Earthquake
    - Superpower
    ( item: Choice scarf )

    Gally ( the Galvantula )
    - Bug buzz
    - Volt switch
    - Energy ball
    - Thunderbolt
    ( item: Choice specs )

    Dimphy ( the Donphan )
    - Counter
    - Ice shard
    - Knock off
    - Earthquake
    ( item: Assault vest )

    Slimers ( the Reuniclus )
    - Psyshock
    - Calm mind
    - Focus blast
    - Recover
    ( item: Leftovers )

    Destiny ( the Gengar )
    - Counter
    - Thunderbolt
    - Shadow ball
    - Destiny bond
    ( item: Focus sash )

    Skullkraken ( the Gyarados )
    - Dragon dance
    - Ice fang
    - Waterfall
    - Earthquake
    ( item: Gyaradosite )
    oh, i actually forgot 6 of them that iv'e bred and trained ( they are in my battle box so i forgot to count them )

    they are my main team, and i have about an 82,1 percent win rate ( 107 battles won 137 battles had. )

    and yes, i do battle with all of them ( or at least try to )
    my main team usually destroys absolutely everything.

    i once had this battle with a guy/girl/kid/whatever who used only hacked pokemon, and also only super strong legendary pokemon.
    and i ended that battle in a draw.
    ( he knocked 2 of my pokemon out in 1 hit, so it was basically 4 against 6 )

    but in this generations they don't count draws anymore, and it counted as a loss for me because my pokemon's hp was at 0 first.
    ( i used destiny bond to get the draw ^^ )
    my main team is pretty awesome, you could say ^^
    and what are you breeding for ?

    iv'e bred for 91 pokemon.
    and trained 60 of them.
    iv'e soft reset ( legendary ) 15 pokemon
    and trained 9 of them.

    and i'm planning on breeding 29 more.
    ( and that's just on this copy of alpha sapphire. )
    on my other alpha sapphire/omega ruby/x/y i have a few more left to transfer, but these are solely ( i think ) legendary pokemon
    well it ok that you don't have a ditto.
    and be glad he tells you all stats at once, in gen 5 and before he just told you 1 at a time :p
    yeah, regarding those pokeball variants i just don't want to look like an generic trainer, but a person on my own ( or my own person i should say )

    also, you can ask me as many questions as you want, i don't mind :p

    also :p attacks used to be either special or physical based on their type.
    but that changed in gen 4, and it has been like that ever since
    well to answer all your questions :p

    the difference between attack and special attack, is actually very simple.
    thunder punch, is an attack, because it makes physical contact.
    thunderbolt, is a special attack, because it doesn't.

    you can identify weather it is an attack or special attack by the little icon in the attacks menu.
    if it's a sideways red rectangle with a yellow star shape in it, it's ALWAYS a physical attack.
    if it's a sideways blue rectangle with 3 light blue circle in it, it's ALWAYS a special attack.
    ( the gray-ish rectangle is for attacks that are neither, for attacks such as dragon dance, and hypnosis, or other attacks that don't deal direct damage )

    as for the Eevee with an Impish nature, it's not really a great nature to have n it, to be honest.
    but since it's plus defence and minus special attack i'd suggest either Umbreon or Leafeon, since the both are ( kinda ) bulky and don't use their special attack stat.
    and yes, in gen 6 only the female can pass down a hidden ability.
    in gen 7 they changed it to both

    ( my mistake, males can pass them down in gen 6, at a succes rate of 60% )
    ( i looked it up to be sure )

    but you still can't get a feebas caught in a love ball prior to gen 7
    Bold is the most beneficial nature for feebas.
    it's so it's defense gets stronger.
    it's special defense is already quite high, so that's why they're almost exclusively trained in defense.

    i usually also don't look at the pokeball they're in but i don't like throwing out solely pokeballs.
    i also want to see stuff like ultra balls, great balls, heavy balls, premier balls, luxary balls, nest balls, etc..
    so don't look like a stock trainer, and more of an ''unique'' trainer.
    ( like how in s/m/um/us, some trainers have their pokemon in different pokeballs, i like that part )

    also, why would you want a special attacker as a deerling ?
    it's attack stat is way higher.
    ohh i had wanted her for my second town but i don't know when i'll ever get around to setting anything up in that town, thank you for asking though c:
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