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  • Good morning! Just checking for confetti please 🎊🎊🎉🎊🎊
    • Celebrate
    Reactions: Giddy
    GGGGGood morning~! Sorry just woken up haha, weekends are my only lie in XD
    • Love
    Reactions: Roxxy
    Hi Giddy! :D I was wondering if you ever reached out to Skar and Aquilla about playing splatoon together? Sorry i meant to ask you about this sooner. Maybe after the fair, I can see if they’d be interested (if you’d rather have me ask) 🙂. Also, sending you some confetti 🎉🎉🎉. I hope you’re having fun and get everything you want :D
    • Celebrate
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    Reactions: skarmoury and Giddy
    omg I feel so bad, that literally slipped my mind about asking them drats. Do I search their name in the search bar to find them? So I can PM etc
    I have played a bit recently, so I have some better weapons :D
    Also thank you for the confetti! I'll send some over! Hope you get the things you want too! Any preferences on what you hope to get this event?
    It’s totally okay! I thought you got busy or maybe I came off standoffish 😅 I should’ve did a follow up message, so I’m sorry too! 🙂 I can tag them here! (@skarmoury @Aquilla Splatoon friend :D). Ooh nice! I hope you’re having fun with them :D.

    I really want that shaker charm but that is going to be a tough one to get 😅. Maybe the kitty enamel or splatoon locker as my second pick for real life prize. Blue Inky is the collectible I’m aiming for 🙂. How about you? What are you hoping for?
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