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  • Hi, do you still have the 2019 red rose?
    • Sparkle Water
    Reactions: Giddy
    Thanks so much! Also wishing you lots of luck!!! <3
    • Sparkle Water
    Reactions: Giddy
    Hope the message is okay :D I wanted to do black and gold rose emojis but sadly there arent any ;_:
    Aww that's such a wonderful message, thanks so much for the blessing! 🥰❤️ We can do this!!! (If not this event, maybe next time haha ^^)
    • Sparkle Water
    Reactions: Giddy
    Hi I was just wondering what’s the cartoon in your signature? I love the art style
    • Hug
    Reactions: Giddy
    Hello~ Thank you, I love it too!
    It's a series called Hilda!! I love the art style a lot as well, if you're ever interested, it is on Netfliex, there's three series and a movie (movie watch before season 3) or kimcartoon has all the episoes~
    They do a lot of really cool details with the art style in this show, it's amazing. A kids show that can be a little dark.
    (alsi if you are interested in watching, this image is from season 3, so they will look different frm season 1/2/movie)
    Thanks so much! I’ll give it a watch! There was a program called owl something that I want to watch too that has a similar style I think. The one in your signature reminds me a bit of Charlie Brown or tintin.
    • Love
    Reactions: Giddy
    Ah was it by chance, the Owl House? Another good watch, I must say. Wish they had more chance for more seasons. But Disney has a way of cutting things sort. Similar to Infinity Train, now that was also a good cartoon~
    I'm glad! Hilda is such a perfect lil show. I adore how monsters, trolls and spirits are a normality there. I've always hated when in other shows once the adults came around, it would all 'disappear' but here, everyone knows about trolls, elves etc. Definitely let me know what you think of it when you do watch it~!
    Hello, I'm not sure if something's wrong with the site or if it's a me problem, but I keep getting a server error when trying to reply to you in my thread, and it won't post my reply, so I'll try pasting it here and hopefully it goes through:
    That sounds wonderful, thank you! For the 3DS, could I have the New 3DS XL? Today, I'm free for the next two hours, and then I'll be free again about two hours after that, if any of those times work for you. My friend code is 1521-4468-8568
    • Love
    Reactions: Giddy
    Yes, the Hopkins one!
    • Love
    Reactions: Giddy
    I can bring that over for you. Wpuld you like any balloons by chance? I have a streetpass house with all ballons so i can get them whenever. So let me know if you wanylt any XD

    Ill be heidi from Ereta btw!
    Okay, my gate should be open! And I think I'll just take the 3DS for now, thanks again!
    Happy Birthday! 🎉
    • Love
    Reactions: Giddy
    Thank you soooo much~!! It was so lovely.
    Also loving your profile pic, the art style is very cute!
    • Love
    Reactions: -Mars-
    Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a beautiful day! ☺️🎉
    • Hug
    Reactions: Giddy
    Thank you so much~! Having a lovely morning so far :D
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Happy Birthday! 🎉💖🧁 Hope you have a wonderful day! 🎉✨
    • Hug
    Reactions: Giddy
    Thank you~! So lovely to see these messages, makes me feel so happy :3
    • Hug
    Reactions: S.J.
    Happy Birthday fellow Poliwag and Cetacean! I hope you have a terrific day today! 🌊 🐳 🎂
    • Hug
    Reactions: Giddy
    A huge thank you~! I love how everyone is awake before me XD Had a lovely lay in.
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