I think so, the person I was trading with was also having problems, and 5 mins ago the website wouldn't let me log on since it said there was a problem in the database. How much longer do you think your going to stay on? We can try again in an hour or 2 or tomorrow
hey! It's still not working, but I have another pink wetsuit in my second town that you can come pick up. Add this fc: 3497-1833-6844. For now send me half the tbt, and we can do the beans later when it works
sorry its taking so long, Im having some connection issues, I'm trying to fix them now but it might take a while, so I don't mind if you try to get the items from someone else
It's completely fine! And,that sounds great! Please just message me then so I will remember. Good luck with the school work! I'm in the same boat! Lol
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