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  • Hey! I managed to solve the problem now, and I have both items ready :) Tell me when you come on
    I think so, the person I was trading with was also having problems, and 5 mins ago the website wouldn't let me log on since it said there was a problem in the database. How much longer do you think your going to stay on? We can try again in an hour or 2 or tomorrow :)
    hey! It's still not working, but I have another pink wetsuit in my second town that you can come pick up. Add this fc: 3497-1833-6844. For now send me half the tbt, and we can do the beans later when it works :)
    sorry its taking so long, Im having some connection issues, I'm trying to fix them now but it might take a while, so I don't mind if you try to get the items from someone else
    It's completely fine! And,that sounds great! Please just message me then so I will remember. Good luck with the school work! I'm in the same boat! Lol
    (Your inbox is full,BTW :))
    Glittermist - Order ready
    Rococo Set
    bed 3520
    candlestick 3120
    chair 3100
    clock 3360
    dresser 2540
    floor 2200
    lamp 3200
    shelf 3820
    sofa 2100
    table 3600
    vanity 3120
    wallpaper 2240
    wardrobe 2400 = 38,320 + fee = 40,000
    sorry, something came up and i'll be a while longer. i swear im not jipping you or anything >__<
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