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  • Okay no prob! Someone is just delivering me some items that i wanted, it'll take like 5 minutes if thats okay?
    Okay that's no problem! I've been looking for Gala everywhere! You can have Skye then because i haven't voided her yet :)
    Send me a VM when you're ready to trade! Thanks a lot :D
    I'm in the U.K, it's 5:10pm. How many hours is it until 3pm your time? xD
    Thanks! But I don't want Skye in my town, I want gala to b my normal villager cause she's all cute and pink! If you want, you can take skye for your main town or your cycle town? You can sell her or keep her I don't mind :)
    Is it okay if i quickly clear my void and pick her up? I can give you 25tbt + 2 Million bells :)
    I have Skye who's moving out but no one seems to want her but then i'll have to void her and she might move to your town when i pick up gala. I really want gala as well x-x
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