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  • I'm sorry once again! Something came up, so I couldn't be there.

    I'm going to open my gates from 9am, my time. Hopefully I will see you than.
    My new friend code is 1220-9440-7879. What's your timezone? Mine is Eastern so it's like midnight now and you only seem to be on around this time when I'm sleeping so I'm guessing it's like morning-noonish where you are right now?
    Okay. I will open my gates tomorrow around 4-5pm.

    If you can't make it, let me know in advance.
    I'm sorry. I usually make the assumption other players live in the EST timezone, where it is seven hours earlier.

    Okay. How about I open the gate at a specific time and leave it open for a while? I'll try to be there, but if not, you can drop the items near the station. The items are free, right?

    What do you think?
    It seems you're online when it's like early morning for me, so if we don't manage to get it done this evening/tonight, I'll try waking up earlier tomorrow and see if I catch you. xD
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