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  • not that it prob will happen,
    but... if u run out of people to come over for a moment.
    u can always poke me and i will come over a couple of times :)
    I just finished organizing all the items. I'm writing and adventure novel. 7 men and a dog travel the world, kill giant monsters, save the world all that good stuff. I've only got 2 chapters out now so there's a long way to go. Also I'll open up my gates.
    A message of thanks:

    I wanted to thank you formally for everything you've done for me. My gratitude is unending for your kindness. Thanks to you I have now completed all of the orderable things in the catalog. For that I must thank you. I have 2 rewards. First I have erected a custom sign in my town that honors you. Once I've done some organizing with all the items I'd like to show you it. Second, I'm writing a book (a series if it gets too long) and I will pay homage to you in it. I never forget the people that show me kindness. :)
    Thank you! Sorry for the delay. I just woke up. When can I come pick up the regal items and the kk lullabye? Thank you so much for doing this. This really helps me.
    hey, sorry about that I had to dash out yesterday >.< I should be good for the rest of the day though, if you make it back!
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