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  • Hi HappyTails. I've mentioned it in various posts of mine, but I wanted to tell you myself: You've inspired me to restart my physical copy of acnl(which is a cycling town as of right now, not restarted yet) and take the same vow. It really makes me force myself to be creative rather than go "oh hey let's ask for a Half-Eaten Pizza". I'm only planning now but my journey will start alongside yours Saturday, August 26th at noon. (I edited this with the now confirmed date of spending hours looking for the perfect map haha)
    ^^ We can do this!! (Sorry if this double-posted, my internet freaked out a bit)
    Yes ^.^ I thought bamboo chopped down after the first day made a nice looking fence. If you liked the brick path in Glendale, by the way, I posted it recently in my qr code thread along with the paths I'm using in my second town, Cardamon. Once Cardamon is more developed (and has trees again; I chopped them all down to lay down my paths lol) I'll post a dream address for it, too c:
    Hi there! I'd love to have Portia, if you still have her! :) I'll be on later tonight if that works for you!
    Ok, how much TBT could you pay for one?
    Usually villagers that are popular a little go for 50 but less go for like 30.
    I could offer Zell, Keaton, and I might have Kyle...
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