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  • Sorry for such the late reply! ;;

    Ah yes, I love shrimp! Especially buttery garlic shrimp. *v* I love a lot of seafood actually. I have a few faves and some of them are sushi, miso soup, beef stew /w rice, and of course a few of my native dishes like enchiladas, tamales, and arroz con gandules... Not sure if you know what those are but they're good! :)

    And you're not bothering me at all! Don't worry! ;u;
    I'll call you Tori if you don't mind. :) Also, random question, what is your favorite food(s)?
    ahh sorry if im boring;;
    Ahh, glad you liked it! I cried too reading it. ;; It hit close to home. //sniffles

    Also, feel free to call me Kai for short~
    Ah, good to know I'm not the only one. ;u; I loved Ao Haru Ride! I gotta start reading the manga because I don't think the anime will get a second season.

    Oh, don't apologize! I enjoyed our conversation. :blush: Good night and let me know how you like Orange if you decide to read it. :)
    No, it's fine! Sorry for the late reply too. I was getting ready for bed and such. ;; I watched Noragami and it was pretty decent. I don't think I'll be catching up with it though. Psycho Pass is good though I need to catch up with it since season 2 came out not too long ago. And I remember Vampire Knight! I watched that when I was younger and I remember me being a big fan of it haha. Death Parade is good also but I'm really lazy with finishing shows. I always start a new anime, stop watching it, and then start a new one again. It's a bad cycle. ;_; Ahh, Horimiya! Thank you for reminding me of it! I put off reading it for some reason. It's such a cute manga. :)

    I'm also a fan of the manga Orange. Have you heard of it? :eek:
    Interesting! Mystery is cool too. :eek: I haven't seen too many fantasy and sci-fi anime. I probably should though...

    What are some of your favorite anime/manga? :)
    I've been thinking of One Punch Man as well! I see it around a lot on the internet. My interests differ. I like reading a lot of romance manga. I haven't really tried reading any other genres. ;; I just really like them. As for anime, I like action, comedy, romance, slice of life, and psychological/horror to name a few. I just don't like mecha...

    What about you? What genres do you like to read/watch? c:
    Oh, me too. :( I haven't watched anime or read manga lately. I should pick it up again but I haven't found any anime that peaks my interest for very long. ;;
    Oh wait did I reply to you from our conversation or not? I can't remember omg. I'm such a mess tbh like what is life xD
    Oh I see haha
    I've been ok =u= I'm already excited for Christmas break xD but I have to study for finals before hand. I'm just about to go to my aunt's house for thanksgiving dinner~
    I don't usually like odd characters if I'm being honest aha. XD That's just me though. And oh my gosh yeah purple is one of my fav colours, though my favourite is indigo. :p
    And yeah lol, my french sucks tbh lol I'm pretty sure I have gotten worse pssht. And oh that's cool, I always speak english so yeah. XD And ah really? I really want to learn japanese as does my best friend irl, like I need this knowledge. XD
    And oh that's a website? Maybe I'll look into it when I have the time. ^^
    Yeah your English is really good! I only know two languages and my french, like if said sucks.
    You'd probably isn't that bad, you're lucky you got to learn new languages, even if it was just a bit. :0
    I'm going to watch a bit of youtube and then go to bed since it's getting late here and I have a slight headache, so I'll reply tomorrow when I can (also you should not that I can be very bad at replying and not reply for a while, I'm sorry in advance ^^")
    Meh I don't like Waluigi tbh, he's so odd. And omg ikr I don't know why they didn't, and how the heck it's even considered a Waluigi egg if it's just purple lol.
    And oh yeah french immersion means you take all your courses in french, aside from things like English (or music since at my at entry school the music teacher didn't speak french).
    In high school though thy have less options so I don't take as many courses in french now. Plus I'm bad at french like I think I've gotten worse lol. And ah I'm personally not interested in german but it's cool that you enjoyed it! And ah yeah Japanese sounds and looks complicated, I don't even know where I could go or what I could do to learn it. ><
    And ah you did? I started french at a young age but I'm horrible at it, on the other hand you seem like an expert in English. XD
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