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  • Meh I don't like Waluigi tbh, he's so odd. And omg ikr I don't know why they didn't, and how the heck it's even considered a Waluigi egg if it's just purple lol.
    And oh yeah french immersion means you take all your courses in french, aside from things like English (or music since at my at entry school the music teacher didn't speak french).
    In high school though thy have less options so I don't take as many courses in french now. Plus I'm bad at french like I think I've gotten worse lol. And ah I'm personally not interested in german but it's cool that you enjoyed it! And ah yeah Japanese sounds and looks complicated, I don't even know where I could go or what I could do to learn it. ><
    And ah you did? I started french at a young age but I'm horrible at it, on the other hand you seem like an expert in English. XD
    Haha I fin the waluigi egg plain, and why the hell is there even a waluigi egg? I don't like waluigi lol. And yeah I really like the peach haha, I hope to get more in the future. x)
    And oh really? Wow you know so much omg! My first language is english, but I've been in french immersion from grade 1 up until now (I'm in grade 11). I know it's different for other countries but yeah. I really want to learn Japanese, like I seriously do. If there was a course at my school I would totally take it, but there isn't. And oh but your english seems perfect tbh, I mean I make mistakes soon but it feel a like english could be your first language or something. :0
    Ah I meant pink is my fav for the houses, but probably also one of my favourites in general!
    Some of my other favourites would be the pumpkin cupcake and peach. I like the regular Easter eggs too but I haven't gotten one yet. ;w;
    Yeah it doesn't always take a complex layout to make something look nice, I've seen many simple layouts that look amazing! And I agree, feathers and balloons are nice but too expensive haha. I may get one feather in the future if I can. ^^
    Also I don't mean to be nosy, but what's your first language? I'm just curious because I remember you said English wasn't your first a few times, but your writing seems pretty fluent. :0
    yeah i really like the pink one too, its probably my favourite.
    and whoa the yellow one is that expensive? haha dang
    i dont think ill do it, like usually ill say i want a lineup but dont get around to doing it lol.
    i want to try to buy more pink ones, but that would drain me of so mch tbt. ;u;
    oh thats so cool! thank you for telling me!
    now i want the letters in that order for a lineup ah man, but the tree and yellow house are quite rare i believe. x(
    most of the letters are quite expensive too ;w;
    It's okay! I'll find someone. ^^
    I was also wondering what the character on the pink house was or what it means? i only know the tree is Mori at least from what i've heard)
    Yeah haha I know lineups are very important. x)
    The date on mine is 09-20-2013
    Not sure if that works for you, but if not I'll find someone else. ^^
    Hi sorry to bother you, but do you have a pink letter you could trade with mine? I just want mine to have a message attached to it which is why, the date has to be like 2014 or 2013 though. It's okay if you don't want to trade though, I just know you had a lot of pink letters lol.
    Oh no that's fine! Like I said whenever you're ready! There's no rush. c:
    Plus I have like 2 more commissions to start and finish before yours so you have plenty of time. I don't want you to stress about it or anything. ;v;
    Oh I forgot to say this but you're in one of the slots now for the shop, so if you have the tbt please send it whenever you are able too! ^^
    Just an fyi that's all x)
    Hi! I see you have quite a few pink houses. Are you selling any of them? I may be interested in one, thank you! c:
    It's not a big deal! It may be easier for me to find a 2013 pink than you finding 2014 choco cake ?__?
    Cute msg haha I also love them on collectibles~ anyway I'll send over the choco cake now if you'd like any particular msg let me know :D
    If your cake is between my pink and green house I can try finding a 2013 pink house so we can swap anyway if you'd like!
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