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  • nope, weird... i dont really know why my town is bringing up errors tonight, someone else had an issue as well.. your town then?
    i dont really mind! ill just open up my gate~ ah, and ill send over the tbt
    yeah c: my internet connection has been going on and off lately though so apologies in advance if i take awhile
    its fine, likewise ^-^
    i just need to add your friend code and open your gates whenever you're ready
    Thank you too for being such a good customer! I'm going to have to start giving you a discount XD If you want any more in the future I'll do 75 each :3
    Hehe thanks, I'm just busy and it self isn't so bad, just need more time to do things what I like~! Btw I have Chain-Link Fence, Music-Room Wall, and Tree-Lined Wall. Would 10 tbt for all work?
    Aw so sorry for this late reply! I've been busy like hell past few days. I forgot which ones you were looking for and I dunno if you've got your hands on them, but I'm going to run a quick sale of my a few unneeded SAHARA stuff sometime during this weekend. If you still need some give me a list so I'll see if I have it. c:
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