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  • Give me 5 mins then I'm ready!
    I'll add you and pay you in advance now n_n
    Would it be possible for you to come to my town?
    yellow and red seem to catch my eye, im going to open my gates in a few and if you dont have any its fine no biggie
    just a few tulips would be cool if it isn't a bother, currently trying to replace my pansies and what not to tulips hope you visit soon :)
    its ok i have some nintendo items you might like too stop by sometime its 3am here atm so not now :p but def check me out sometime ill even give you a welcome gift worth your time so please stop by^^
    hey, no biggie^^ whenever your towns up and running let me know sorry for the late response ive been busy the past couple of days.
    I am available now ^^. Would it be okay if you delivered to my town o=? If so, I'll open my gates ^^.
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