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  • Or trade or whatever I'm not really sure how to do either I've always just had fun doing my own thing in the game but I love that hair style
    Sounds good. I don't understand why they charge so much. I'll still be operating my balloon shop until I get ti my goal. Thanks for helping.
    You don't have to leave a donation, but I did want to buy it just to gift to a friend. I've been considering it for a while.
    It's a rare collectible. I would had enough if I didn't spend it on my party popper. That's just the median price.
    According to Lassy's guide, the high end is 2.5k TBT (2,500). The low end is 2k TBT.
    You forreal about giving me a bottled ship for free? I've been looking for one for so long, oh man.
    Thanks again! Can wait till tmrw, when I have more room in my home to set up the set!
    sorry I cut it short! my dad was kinda chiding me and telling me I had to out up my ds for dinner >.<
    sorry! My mom sent me to do something! ill need like 5minutes!

    omg the full set XD can wait do do some home decorating!
    ~I thought you were gonna make me pay some crazy price for the thread~

    let me clear some space for the set and ill vm you ^.^
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