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  • When can I come, ?
    I saw people getting in your town before me even though they replied after me.
    Taking a bit of a break, and getting the hang of the new year.
    The holidays have really worn me out, so I won't be doing any trades soon.
    I might drop by maybe once a night for any messages, but that's about it.

    Love you all,
    And not all of what I named are on my wishlist. Only 17 presents I got were on my wishlist.
    Here's what I got for Christmas:

    Rubik's spiral puzzle
    Rubik's double-sided puzzle
    Rubik's safe
    Rubik's lamp
    Rubik's jigsaw puzzles
    Four cube puzzles
    2015 world record book
    Four ACNL plushes
    Lego Fairground Mixer (I still like Legos, even at 21)
    WiiU Controller
    Frozen Snowglobe
    Two board games
    Two calendars
    And more that I can name
    It's great too. I had 20 items on my wishlist, and the only 3 items I didn't get were the items I cared for the least on my list. So that's good.
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