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  • Haha yeah, they've gotten really popular recently
    When I first started looking into k-pop their name popped up and..well....yeah lmao
    Mmmmm, eat a buttload of nutmeg? Canned meats, and stuff. Just eat a bunch of stuff you probably shouldn't xD
    Hey I was actually gonna buy a blue LOL but I didn't I just have 2 greens lmao sorry :\
    Oh wow, well you can maybe tell them you suddenly felt super sick? Like, tellem you tried some new canned seafood, and got the runs. That happened to me once >>
    000oOooo okay sure. I'm sure you'll get better offers but sadly the people that'll offer already have 4 teals. LOL anyway, thanks for considering :)
    Ahh, sorry that's too much that I think I'd ever buy it for. I can offer 2.8 and a green feather, I had a previous offer for it for 3.5, but my friend said that's too much for it even so, anyway, good luck otherwise I'll just keep looking if my offer isn't good enough ^^
    Ahhh I've been looking for a teal letter soooo long, would you accept 2.8?
    *crosses fingers** lmao :~(
    OOh, so an albino or something :O I have an albino right now, she's crazy>>
    ye i got that too once when i wrote the word with spaces haha they need to realize this is not a kiddo site anymore
    I don't even know them by breed. Just long hair or short hair, this color or that color >>
    oh i meant warning i keep mixing those up lel i generally see them as same thing though lol but yeah never been banned but they keep sneering like 24*7 of what i do ahah
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