N a t Jul 1, 2016 Kekeke my guinea pigs ,make my skin itch tho. Like, their fur irritates my skin a tiny bit, but I'm not super allergic v.v
Kekeke my guinea pigs ,make my skin itch tho. Like, their fur irritates my skin a tiny bit, but I'm not super allergic v.v
N a t Jul 1, 2016 Awww I had tons of hamsters growing up! They don't live very ling though, so I upgraded to Guinea pigs lol. They're like big, loud, hamsters.
Awww I had tons of hamsters growing up! They don't live very ling though, so I upgraded to Guinea pigs lol. They're like big, loud, hamsters.
N a t Jul 1, 2016 Yeah, cats can be mean as ever. Some of my favorite dogs are the wrinkly ones. Little baby sharpes omg >>
Yeah, cats can be mean as ever. Some of my favorite dogs are the wrinkly ones. Little baby sharpes omg >>
N a t Jul 1, 2016 Omg rip me. I like dogs too, but dogs a just a little more work, and a little more trouble. -0-
N a t Jul 1, 2016 But I accept him for who he is c; Also, I'm wearing shorts while watching some foster kittens right now, and they're using the bare flesh of my legs to climb on, and it hurts, and burns, and I may be bleeding
But I accept him for who he is c; Also, I'm wearing shorts while watching some foster kittens right now, and they're using the bare flesh of my legs to climb on, and it hurts, and burns, and I may be bleeding
N a t Jul 1, 2016 WEW FOR POPSICLES! Also, I get the grammar thing. Maybe they are out to get you, huehuehue. Dammm Snoozit, back at it again with the short BANS!
WEW FOR POPSICLES! Also, I get the grammar thing. Maybe they are out to get you, huehuehue. Dammm Snoozit, back at it again with the short BANS!
N a t Jul 1, 2016 Ripperoni -_-, that is unfortunate. I always say f-in, and usually get away with it lol
Mints Jul 1, 2016 Ahh, I'm sorry I keep on forgetting to respond to you. I swear I thought I already did. Also, the lowest I'd go on a Popsicle is 1.2k!
Ahh, I'm sorry I keep on forgetting to respond to you. I swear I thought I already did. Also, the lowest I'd go on a Popsicle is 1.2k!
Wisteria Rytsar Jul 1, 2016 That Would Be Great! That All the TBT I Have Left But I'm Cool With That. I Needed To Make Some More Anyways. I'll Send Over The TBT Now
That Would Be Great! That All the TBT I Have Left But I'm Cool With That. I Needed To Make Some More Anyways. I'll Send Over The TBT Now
N a t Jun 30, 2016 Good luck getting to bed, and yeah it's og. No replacing or adding stuff to it hehe.