N a t Jun 29, 2016 Oh boy. Well good luck to you >< I'm gonna cost occasionally while playing the sims >>
N a t Jun 29, 2016 Same, it's one of the one's where you have to guess random numbers. These are tough.
N a t Jun 29, 2016 Yeah, it's totes all the rage right now lol. I don't really have any interest in it though. I LOVE Pokémon, but I prefer playing the actual games over sites that replicate.
Yeah, it's totes all the rage right now lol. I don't really have any interest in it though. I LOVE Pokémon, but I prefer playing the actual games over sites that replicate.
N a t Jun 29, 2016 Noice one friend >< I had messaged Infinity too late when you told me about them selling hammers before, they'd already left. I didn't know Infinity was even leaving. Made me sad v.v
Noice one friend >< I had messaged Infinity too late when you told me about them selling hammers before, they'd already left. I didn't know Infinity was even leaving. Made me sad v.v
SolaireOfAstora Jun 29, 2016 May I pay 4k for the teal letter? Can't find a better deal?? Please respond ASAP, as it's for someone else
May I pay 4k for the teal letter? Can't find a better deal?? Please respond ASAP, as it's for someone else