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  • cause if you use some software that doesn't save it as transparent they end up white (like ms paint and stuff)
    hmm did you resize it yourself and what software did you use? let me know what size you need and i can try uploading it again...
    it's transparent if you post on the forums actually but sadly idek yet how to make it in vm's and those areas
    yeah i might do that if i ever start doing stuff again after this aha. also i need to make a proper ref. sheet for it as well cause people keep saying like "draw it b/w" okay yes i can tell your mayor it has the stache item and the mohawk wig but then? lmao
    i just googled makoto and took some acrylic thing just so i could pick the colors and just in general i'll see if i can find it
    Haha yeah it was a bit hard to draw cause I'm not too used to tiny art in that style. And... yeah it does I wonder what the shell would have been like XD
    Sorry I don't currently have more to sell all willy nilly! My goal is to get as many as possible for ppl who miss them, so I may be able to get more today. I've gotten very lucky twice now! Wish me luck, and good luck to you as well c: You'll be the first to hear from me.
    I am, but I don't have any I'm selling atm. I only had one for myself, and 2 reserved for other users. If I manage to snag some more before they stop restocking I will gladly sell you one at store price :)
    Ahh, true. I'll give him to you for free though, as I feel like it would be unfair to charge you for an incomplete house. I'll start trying to move him out tomorrow. It might take a while though, as he's the most recent move-in.
    Hi! I saw your post about Fang, however he's quite unoriginal. He's missing a lot of pieces from his house, including one of his gyroids, his couch both of his plants and a lamp. He has a new table and shirt in the house. He's still wearing his original shirt and still has his original catchphrase though. If you don't mind him being unoriginal I can honestly give him to you for free. But I can't promise anything, as I haven't even started moving him out yet but I probably will have him out soon.
    i haven't even watched the first one yet :( i was kinda shopping for a movie earlier today, so maybe i'll give it a watch! and wow, it's emily blunt? i couldn't even recognize her!
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