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  • Maybe they saw potential in you! They don't just give second chances to everyone~
    Omg she always pulls off every look in the MVs. Usually Hyuna hogs the screen, but this time I feel like everyone had equal camera time
    hmm.... i could try my best with a margmortar and also electivire but depen of their second evolution because they require item to trade
    its ok..Atleast you have another chance~ dont blow it lol jkjk
    yay thats good~ the magic of reviews :3 btw i listened to hate and it slayed me
    Haha it is a cap with cat ears<3 Oo tell me how it works out! It has good reviews for a reason, so it should be decent. Goodluck at your interview btw :D
    Once I get all these commissions out da way
    Cause he can xD Don't judge
    Isn't it cute? :3
    Nope not now, but definetly will
    Yes Haha Takuto is the bae<3 He's from Full moon wo saga****e
    It's a reeally old anime, but idc lol
    Haha I am I am ~
    mhmm I knew you were gonna say that XD
    It's okay I already have an anime man crush
    haha YASS
    see what the hypes all about xD

    omg what if I turn into makoto trash LOLOL jk
    I'm takuto trash
    so expensive!! I swear every celebrity that owns a makeup/clothing line sells it so overpriced.. lol
    Yeah, Possibly more than a year.. o: I remember the OLD snsd like it was yesterday
    I agree! Plus she speaks like perfect english, so she'll earn more international fans that way
    omg well of course they are going to recommend their sht products lol xD
    ikr? Hyuna's so perrff :'D

    But like ever since I used the nu skin enhancer gel,like all my friends commented on how clear my skin got! It cleared it up fast
    So sad I ran out of it lol.. need to rebuy
    Omg idek what its called, its in korean but I forgot what it said cause there's literally 10 other stores in korean surrounding it

    I'll tell you if I ever come across decent concealer
    Also, always read reviews on products before you buy them
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