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  • lol i believe you i don't know much about it lol you should get together with one of my old class mates she's even worse about Free! lol
    I love the artwork in your signature, who made it? Oh and by the way, I've watched Free! and Makoto is bae
    sorry not at the moment ;3; lol i really need to start focusing on school
    I might reopen my shop during the summer though
    Makoto's done!~
    I don't have the exact color pencils for his colors, but I tried my best to make him as accurate as possible

    Also, let me know if you want the stars removed from his drawing xD
    so thats where Makoto is from cx o rlly? now im tempted to watch

    I'll definetly watch it sometime soon ~
    ikr xD i know like almost all the anime, but just havent watched them
    I need to catch up, since the ones I watched are old

    free seems interesting though
    Hey your mayor drawing is finished ~
    I hope you like it and let me know if you want any changes!
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