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  • of course, i'll send it straight to u in the mail :blush:! it's so good, it tastes really hot and spicy. have you tried chai tea before? aw i'm sure u are better than them all anyway ;) i tend to do it a bit more with friends tbh, lately they've all been on diets for the wedding and i'm suddenly getting rly bitter and thinking i should work out more lmao, so instead of doing anything i mulled it over with some cookies. ugh love a good plum colour u are so on trend. i'm looking forward to fall and getting all my marroon out. really??? i've always thought yours looked better, i rly wanna try nyx! your also seems so much cheaper sigh, i heard u can get good stuff for like a dollar?
    I actually read Gekkan's manga as well but I guess I stopped somehwere and never finished?
    Wait a sec, does it already have a second season!??
    ughhhh that sounds so good please stop! i'm gonna have to stop by the asian supermarkets in the city and see if i can make some myself! milk teas are good but i'm totally the same, most of the time i drink black tea! mm i had ginger earlier it was rad. ye! like he is defs smarter, more athletic, more outgoing than me but like that's the way it is and i'm fine, i've never rly thought to compare us! ikr i'm thinking of buying a cheap brand one cause i'm cheap. omg i love mac too, what's ur lipstick shade of choice?? i like nars and too faced <3 but i'm hella poor i don't know who i'm kiddin on so probs revlon LOL
    tbh i'm not sure, cause you can buy the boba stuff in certain supermarkets actually and it's like peach and mango flavour and i'm not really keen on it but my flatmate used to make a milky sweet tea with the boba and it tasted amazing, i'll have to ask how she done it. usually i just like flavoured tea though, i'm drinking chamomile and lavender right now <3! i like skiing but that's literally it, i'm such a slob! it's alright, he's a boy which i think i prefer, i'm not sure i'd like a girl twin. i really want the beauty blender but then i think about how little i was my brushes so i'd probably like die of an infection or something. i love make up! what's ur brand of choice? :blush:
    omg i'm so jealous! there is literally one bubble tea shop in the city i live and it's so expensive and busy so i don't really go often but when i used to live with my old flatmate she used to make it for me all the time, it was so so good! i don't drink coffee but tea is my fave <3! i know it's truly tragic, they just don't have enough time because of all the sport teams they're on, i'm not sure how we're related. yeah i'm a twin!!! i'm sorry i thought i mentioned that before lmao, yep it sucks, but we're alright, i'm used to having no limelight. i've never been huge on birthdays but i like cake so there's that. ahh i keep seeing the bb cushion make up on asian make up hauls on youtube but they don't have them over here yet, i really wanna order some asian make up + skin care, looks so good). which reminds me i haven't cleaned my make up brushes in....... a while
    i will await the copyright claim! ohhh peach green tea sounds so nice! i love iced tea! it's not that easy to find over here though which is annoying, apart from liptons but i don't like that stuff. i know like apparently they've grown out of video games like wtf, you're 10?! kids these days eh? outside playing instead of playing video games indoors, it's madness. like if i have a family bag i might offer a SINGLE chip (or crisp ;)) but only if we're eternal soulmates. and omg try sharing a birthday, and you think that we get a cake each? nope.
    I think I figured out a way with the connection :D I'm going to use my phone for data instead. I would it be okay for you to hang on to the mermaid stuff for a few days because I'm not sure when I'll be free to connect yet D:
    uh yeah so i really liked your white queen idea i saw in ur town lmao i was hoping you wouldn't notice.....
    So you're a shoujo fan, did you watch Gekan Shoujo Nozaki kun? It was like a pearl...
    Oh I watched the first season of Haikyuu, very good, waiting for the second. I'm too lazy/ have no time to read the manga.. =/
    i'm deeply sorry i hope u are alright now <3! maybe u don't give off a short vibe. like one of my best friends is rly short and nearly everytime i'm next to her i'm so surprised at how short she is! i hope you're having fun at your fam thing! tell everyone i said hi ;) don't talk about me too much ok! all my relatives are younger than me but they all live in canada too but they're always like winning awards for **** and they're like 10 it's so annoying i don't need that kind of stuff in my life they should really know better. i know i couldn't believe it, i had one slice ONE SLICE, if you are the kind of person that shares food we probs can't be friends
    Thank you! I'm sorry I couldn't do the trade either. And I was reading up on the error code when I was waiting >.<
    If it doesn't work, I'll have to work hard for medals for the mermaid stuff instead >.< hahahah
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