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  • No waaaaay, it was so scary for me, no way to forget the monkey titan responsible for his death :'(
    Hmmm no, I'm not reading any mangas right now due lack of time. I'm only following Ore Monogatari. And you?
    mmm i really feel like eating risotto now! my wisdom teeth are coming through and i'm in such a bad mood because i can't really eat anything without hurting ugh. ohhh i wish i was a good cook! what kinds of things do you usually make? i'm quite good at baking! i love making bread and bagels, so delicious if i say so myself! i'm about 5'7 i'm being so dramatic, i looked up the average in korea and it's 5'4 so it'd probably be fine actually, i wish i was taller cry
    Hahahaha xD It was another video :p
    I would think she's still alive for the same reason, but after Mike's death (totally out of blue and without any repercussion), I wouldn't doubt if Isayama really "ended" her there =/
    lmao that is depressing, hopefully it's love at first sight and they all willingly allow you to kidnap them! omg don't! i wanted to wait a bit because i'm a sensible person but maybe i should just pre-order it now! yeah, that's the stuff, it's sort of got a soft texture, it's literally amazing. defs not a fairy more like a witch but witch's are p rad. and omg that's so annoying about sizes cause it's more so my height tbh, like most stuff would probably look stupid cause i'm taller than average in the uk so i'm probably a small giant in korea! that's so cute they come with shorts tho i'm in such a skort phase right now
    That's funny, I first saw BTS here in the forums xD someone had a signature with a gif of them, and some days later I found that exact video in youtube. They were indeed so charming, I became a fan right away.

    Some people theorize that Annie is actually dead, and to be fair at this point I wouldn't doubt it.... She's been away for more than 2 years, can you believe?
    aw man what's up with sizes though? i can't seem to select any and i doubt i'm fitting into the korean sizes sob
    i've never been out of europe before so i know what you mean, i've never really had a culture shock. although they do speak a different language so i guess that's something! you should definitely take a big bag and try fit them all in, and if that doesn't work i'll have fun seeing you on the news!! YAY for being released there but BOO for not getting it! i actually didn't know it was for 3ds too (such a huge fan) so now i'm debating it again but i figure i'll get the new 3ds eventually so i figure why not now. IT WAS THE BEST! gnocci is my life. like i would get married to a bowl of gnocci. and i'd get married to stone baked pizza too. nah i'm like a troll but a p cute troll ya know it's a hard life not that you'd know u lil cutie pie (give me your legs) and omg i just had a little browse and i've already picked out enough for free shipping to the uk i hate you, that little mustard tennis skirt though? i need it. all the clothes are so simple yet so cute! and it's not expensive either!
    Oh nice, and how did you find the band?
    I'm a newer fan as well. I've been liking kpop for long years now, but nothing very deeply. I think it was around 1 month ago when I found BTS and instantly fell in love with their dances and good looking members. I'm not into hip hop too much either, but somehow I like it in their band.

    Oh my I miss Reiner so much too. Are you following the manga? They actually appeared again recently, only Annie that really disappeared..
    i think basically scotland is so cold that anywhere seems hot to be now lmao. truly blessed by this weather. LOL what's wrong with canada? i always thought it was like the same as america my bad. i guess though you don't really live near canada either? you could go to mexico..?! in my head you'd be killed but i don't know if i'm being like REALLY stereotypical and horrible omg i probably am so forget i said that. i'm praying for you!!!! i pray that they are soft and warm to the touch and you share a beautiful beautiful moment. and why thank you ;) never before have i been complimented for being so lame. 2kind2kind! i know right? like i wouldn't have to book a hotel i guess but she lives in venice which is sooo expensive. i might go off peak like in october or something i'll see! OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL ALL THIS TIME I HAVE BEEN SPEAKING TO A MODEL I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO YOU'RE SO PRETTY, i feel unworthy in ur presence, that sweater is too cute omg, where did you get it from!?
    i went to berlin! it was super beautiful, i wish i could go back! i'm not even sure germany is known for being hot, i'm just super pathetic haha! i usually go on one about once a year but it depends (went to rome as well in easter, insanely beautiful) i suppose it's different if you live in america? it seems as if depending on where you live you can really only go to america haha? it's just so big! i'm definitely not in a place where i'd want to get married, i'm not really even sure on the whole thing full stop but we'll see i guess! are there no cute people on your new course hehe? ;)! ohhh what's the fan meet/concert? yes indeed priorities, my friend was encouraging me to visit her in italy but i really want the new 3ds and ya know, i can't have both so.. ds it is :p and it was alright, my sis was moving house so i helped her move (but the car journey was 5 hours so pretty exhausting!)
    Uhum, he's way to cute. Are you a BTS fan for a long time?
    Same, I think I'm about 3 chapters behind already, it really went downhill...Yes, Bertholdt :D I can't put into words why I like him so much, maybe because he's coward and brave at the same time? Or because he's so ugly that it makes him beautiful, or because he's the best partner to Reiner, I just like him too much haha.
    yeah, it can pretty bad especially since the summers over here are getting hotter & hotter! i managed to get away on holiday this year though so i got to experience proper heat & i'm glad i live in scotland! i feel like such an adult but omg i feel like this age is too young to get married but they're happy so who cares! but then i take a look at my life and cry. aw omg don't worry about having no date, i'm going to be the only bridesmaid without a date. she was talking about seating plans and she suggested i sit next to my brother and i was like 'yeah no thanks' lmao. omg how exciting! that's nice they're trying to involve everyone, i wish my uni was more like that! tell me how it goes if you go <3! (and if you don't go don't worry i'm like queen of bad excuses)
    i eat a huge merengue so i think it's safe to say i'm having a wild sat night! and yep sounds good, i'll add u now? are u sure u don't want more cause i have plenty of black hybrids just lying around?
    ohhh i'll try stalk when ure online so i can give u the flowers! (my sat night is so exciting)
    ok we will swapsies! my rain for your sun! only for a week or so though ok! aw you have your ac turned on full blast? over here it's really rare to find a house with air con haha, i always found it funny that pretty much every home in america has them (well in the hotter states anyway) and i totally agree with you, i'm actually a bridesmaid for my friend's wedding and all my other friends are getting tans and i'm just like nah thanks but i'm gonna look like such a little ghost! i knooooooow in the end i defs supported suwa! he is just perfection. i'm sad it's over but i'll reread it all soon! ohhh what vlogs do you watch? i don't think i've seen many in scotland! omg i need to send u the screen shot i took in the street pass home, so typical! and thanks lovely, i'm excited to start! just booking my flights over! who needs uni now!
    haha already have the clovers in my pocket but if you want to come, you're very welcome ^-^ however you want is fine :)
    Also omg the BTS fans in my city are complaining about the venue that's just been released because it's a club (but also hosted many concerts, just grungier atmosphere). They're all like OMG WOW WHAT WILL THE OPPAS THINK THIS IS SUCH A BAD FIRST IMPRESSION THEY'RE GOING TO THINK OUR CITY IS DISGUSTING
    I'm just sitting here thinking.. is this really what you guys are worrying about when the NYC gun threat tweet originated from near us? Do you really think BTS, a hiphop group, are going to dislike having to perform in a hiphop venue vs. those seated nice fancy theatre venues?
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