• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Playin dirty, that was a nice play. Kiking and abusin poor little Truffle. </3 Horus is right tho, IRC so boring with you. I have actually resorted to listening to Makkine and Cory to make it seem lively!
    Haha, I just took a nap. xD Pretty bored, but at least I have Grey's Anatomy on Netflix! Lol. Sounds good! And awww I wish we could text too. Stupid international texting charges. For quick messaging I have SnapChat, Kik, WhatsApp, and Skype. Dunno if you use those? If you use something else I could always download it. Just tell me what you normally use for instant messaging and I'll get it so we can talk more easily! (Assuming you instant message at all xP)
    So yeah, during the school year I usually do a lot of weekend trips. In the summer though I'll usually stay in Canada for about two or three weeks at a time, and multiple times. Does that even make sense? I'm so confusing some times. ;P Usually I stay at the cottage or with my relatives in Toronto. Go Toronto Maple Leaves! Lmfao, I promise I'm not one of those insane, die hard fans though. xD

    Yeah, whenever you have time is fine. We'll find time to talk to each other! Thanks for messaging me! I appreciate it. =3

    And awwww, your title.... Now I need to think of something creative for Kayla or iLoveYou. But I'm not very creative!! Dx
    Yeah, currently sitting in the car driving back home to Michigan. Only like 2000 miles and 24 hours to go? D: It was more fun on the way down to Orlando. Stopped in Hilton Head and it was so nice... Now we're driving back to the freezing cold. Ugh. My times one changes occasionally, but not very often. When I'm in Michigan and Canada, 95% of the time I'm in EST! =) As for Canada - usually depends on what time of the year! My school schedule sucks, tons of Honors/advanced courses. I can't afford to miss any days, and I have a perfect attendance record this year! I even suffered through school when I got pneumonia in the fall. I had tons of antibiotics, so I was safe lolol, but I still felt like **** for about two weeks.
    Haha, surfer hair. Didn't really think of that before. I smell like a mix of Hollister and Aeropostale. Is that what surfers smell like? Lol, I've never surfed before. I'd probably fail and do a nosedive. I waterski though! =P Maybe I would let you touch my hair. Idk, it's scary when people mess it up! I use lemon juice and everything to keep it blonde. Lots of conditioner too. Sometimes I think I'm a white girl trapped in a guy's body.... xD
    Bahaha <3 Same goes for me! I'll try to hold off on killing you for as long as I can if I'm mafia. xD Oh, and if I die after night one, blame Pally. She's a salty jerk. I think oath is gonna try and blame and/or kill us in the game. Don't worry though, I learned how to work him in Mafia VII. ;) Inb4 Oath sees this.

    Yeah, definitely check it out if you get a chance. I think you can watch most of the episodes right on Slice.ca! There's also some side show now where Peter says dumb things, and Gary hits on him. Dunno if you want to check it out, some are better than others. It's just a twenty minute thing after evictions. Ha.
    Yeah, past midnight here as well. I better get to sleep - Long day tomorrow. I'll be on my cellphone tomorrow, so I'll VM/PM you and stuff since there's nothing better to do on car trips! Pretty sure I can't access IRC on my iPhone though. But yeah, we'll totally chat on there later. G'night Kayla! <3 And your dog sounds amazing! (=
    It's gonna happen someday. We'll go to build a bear together? I've never made on before, but if it's something you're into I guess I'll try it out. Lol. And you changed your title first! Just copying! =3

    Yeah, I'll totally be in the IRC as much as I can! I've been on spring break in Florida, so I haven't really been on too much this last week. I leave back for Michigan tomorrow, so expect me to be back on IRC/mumble once I get all situated again. Probably Tuesday or something! We'll keep eachother safe in the game! I can see some future mumble parties happening on Friday nights. xD If you backstab me I'll cry though. </3
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