• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Bahaha thanks! People seem to like touching my hair a little bit too much... D:

    My french is assez mal, but ty. Harbor Springs is right on Lake Michigan, so it's beautiful during the summer! The winters suck though. About 195 inches of snow this year. Montreal probably had it worse though. I shouldn't be complaining, haha.

    This season of Big Brother is alright! It gets a little bit boring sometimes, but there have been a few twists so far. Lots of people in the house to hate on though. Ugh, they're all pigs this year. So gross. Big Borther 16 premiers June 25! Save the date! Ha. ;)
    Sorry for spamming your messages, but I don't think you care anyways...
    You have a chien named Joey? ;o What kind?! :D
    Oh, maybe I messed up the first sentence. I think I was supposed to say "J'ai etudié le francais depuis deux ans".... Oops, that pretty much sums up how badly I slaughter the language. Lol.
    Ahhhhh Je t'aime!! <3

    J'etudie le francais depuis deux ans. Je comprende un petit peu, mais je suck at it compared to toi. I live in a small city at the top of Michigan called Harbor Springs. However, I'm a dual citizen and spend a ton of time in Canada. My family owns a cottage near Sudbury/Dowling, Ontario. All of my extended family lives in Canada as well. =) I am planning on going to the University of Toronto once I graduate from high school though! Possible TBT meet up? Lmao. And yeah, you're fine about the accents. I never use them, lol. ;)

    And yessssssss! Big Brother is the best! I've watched about every season of the US version, and have been watching every episode of the Canada version as well! (...so glad Andrew was just evicted) Yeah, I haven't watched the most recent seasons of Survivor either. Omg you're so amazing. And I stalked you in the "what do you look like?" thread. You're really pretty, haha. ^_^ Inb4 you stalk me.
    Lmao I had this huge post typed up in French, and accidentally hit backspace and erased it all. Gonna rewrite it mostly in English, because my French is ****. xD
    If I get Dobby the Free Elf I'll take a bullet for you bby!~
    So many people are going to roleclaim to Harry Potter, omg.
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