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  • Actually, now that I think about it, it would be impossible to make it learn ThunderPunch legitly if I have it on Pokemon Moon since transfer is the only way to get it. Can you edit the one you gave me to be shiny and EVed in 252 Attack, 252 Speed, and 4 HP? I'm sorry in advance for wasting your time since I should've asked this for my custom pokemon to begin with. I can pay you the 30TBT for the edit too.
    I know that I said I was going to breed the custom pokemon to get my ID, but I just found out that if I breed Metagross, I can't get ThunderPunch to pass on the Beldum. Is it possible to edit transfer only moves on my pokemon?
    It's GMT. Okay, if you're fine with it, but I won't be on until 4:15pm GMT, I'm busy. Sorry for the trouble.
    Yeah. I was wonder trading while waiting for your VM. I knew that if I didn't stay on the forum you would come and we would miss each other again. I learned from my mistakes of leaving these past two days. lol
    Yeah, I can see you were busy yesterday. I saw you were on Animal Crossing last night most likely helping someone at the time. I tried waiting on Pokemon Moon too, but I didn't see you there either. I hope we an trade today.
    on my way sorry, it wouldn't let me go to your town so I had to turn my DS off and back on again!
    Thanks, I should be online for the next 6 hours but I don't know. Please reply when you are online :D
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