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  • Thank yoou :D did I send your tbt? I didn't get a notification I don't think...
    Let me know when you're back!
    Coming on now thank you! :) oh and I meant tornados (although it doesn't make a difference I guess ;)) let me know if I don't show on your list!
    Thank you, I will have to start selling stuff on ACNL again to keep consistently funding my Pokemon addiction ;) also I know I keep adding stuff :-0 but I got a luxio in a trade and bred a shinx from it, is it possible to edit its moves to include egg moves and HA? If so, could I send it along with Fennekin and Thunderous please and add the moves thunder fang, Wild charge and crunch please.
    So thunderous to shiny, Fennekin nature change to timid with 6ivs, shiny, hidden ability and heatwave move and then the the 3 moves on shinx + hidden ability guts
    Omg...sorry it's loads again :-0
    Would you mind also editing my Fennekin please? Shiny, 6iv with hidden ability and nature to timid? Oh also the egg move heatwave if possible. So thunderous and Fennekin edit plus the custom order if that's alright?
    That's okay! Of course :) finally finished the pokedex today, first one I've ever done in all the games I've owned...I normally give up before beating the E4 ;) gives me something to do now while I wait for PGL to decide to fix their website
    I'm around so whenever you're available is good :) any problems let me know!
    Hellooo it's your stalker here ;)
    I was wondering, when you make Deino for me, would you be able to do an exact same copy of him so I can take it to sun? I know I can just breed from it but I'd like the exact same in both that okay?
    And could you please shiny my tornados for me? He's the odd one out right now ;)
    For future note; weekdays I am around from 2PM-10PM Pacific Time. Weekends should be free for the most part.
    Aw, I think they are move tutor moves from ORAS. Is it maybe Gyrados only that can learn bounce? If not, I only want the Cacnea because I was breeding Magikarp earlier. Can Cacnea learn an egg move like teeter dance or seed bomb instead? It stinks because I have most of these Pokémon in X, but I don't want to steal all of my good battle Pokémon from that game. I can trade later today or maybe on the weekend.
    I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed. I'm free all day tomorrow though so hopefully we can sort it out then! :)
    Ah, I wonder if it's that secret sword...could you exchange it with sacred sword instead please? Pretty sure it can do that?
    I'll just add my next order on :) do you need me to write Keldeo on to the order again as well?
    That's okay! I have another two mythicals I'm missing so if it's alright I'll just copy Shaymins order to those?
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