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  • Hey :) I'm expecting sun to arrive today...I have an order ready for it ( I know we still have another order pending for moon). I wondered if because it's such a big order if you wanted me to split it up? It's around 18 Pokemon...2 starters, 2 legends a ditto and then regular pokes
    Omg. I have a massive order ready for sun. I have another moon order to go in and then I'm still going to need edits....
    Might just send you all my tbt now ;)
    strange. i dont see you either. im online and connected to internet. it should work :eek:
    yes you are right. there is no changes to the custom pokemon's order. :D
    im available to trade if you can find me. my IGN is Maya.

    for the edited pokemon's order, since there is no ability change, is it possible to change nature to Modest?
    sweet. okay. im currently constructing my team. and because since i the hidden abilities are locked, im going to have to make a little change to my edit order. just nature changes, ill also be online for the rest of the day. is that alright? :)
    Guess they didn't want certain Pokemon to be bred in those balls :(
    I'm happy with the luxury ball though!
    Thanks so much! :)
    I was looking for a sun ball this game...that would have been awesome!
    Let me know if you don't see me :) I'm still there ;)
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