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  • Maybe if they'd actually given us more than 1 in the whole game it might be less appealing for me to have so many pokes in them ;)
    You're not on mine either :-/ but you haven't appeared on my list for the last 2 or 3 trades
    Don't understand how this new system works
    I'll try and reset my list again

    And there are going to be an awful lot more once I can get some of my gen 6 favourites for both games..omg...
    Well you've been more than good enough with me to do me all these Pokemon and try your best to get them exactly as I've wanted, it's the least I could do! :)
    And yep...around 40...I had a look through my boxes this morning, told you I should just set up a direct transfer of my tbt to you ;) I have more lined up for my playthrough on sun when that arrives :-0
    I'm on there now :)
    Honestly it's really okay :) I hadn't finished with either of them, as long as they're back at a similar level it's all okay
    And I appreciate all the pokes you've done for me! Think I've had about 40 off you with no complaints about my demands ;)
    Oh don't worry :( things happen with stuff like this, is honestly okay :)
    Um... Solgaleo level 55, I had that one from you, the edit was to put it in a moon ball and the original was 6iv, jolly, moveset - sunsteel strike, zen headbutt, flame charge, earthquake
    Aerodactyl - think it was level 47, edit was gender change to male, 6iv's, made shiny and put in a moon ball and nature to jolly...I can't remember it's moveset but I was training it up anyway so it's no big deal to just put in 4 random moves for that level
    That's okay! I almost forgot to send, I do need reminding sometimes ;)
    I'll hang around for my edits to come back :) just let me know if you don't see me!
    Oh could you double check for me that I sent the right Solgaleo please, it's the level 55 one I wanted editing, think I've sent the right one but my boxes are a mess right now

    Oh yeah it's right :) just found the other one
    Yes I need to see how to do that! You didn't appear again for me...but then somebody else kept trying to request me to trade repeatedly... :-/
    gotcha. ill be online all day, it says your offline so when you come online, send me a message and we can trade! ive added your friend code and information. ^u^ was less than a day ;) not sure if it's possible for Aerodactyl to be shiny or not in this game,don't worry if not though
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