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  • I didn't mention it in your thread, but I did mention wanting HP Water when I was saying that it must've been odd for someone to request pokemon with lower IVs considering my Salandit was max IVs. Do you remember? I can still pay because I do want Sludge Wave and Flamethrower on my pokemon now and I know I didn't mention this until now.
    Have no idea what's going on with this site on my's been reloading the same page 5 times now
    How much in total? :)
    actually I could probably just order and store my new pokes on the bank until I reset and put them back again..makes more sense
    Will do that now, I'll have a look what I need
    Awesome! :) I'll do a restart after I've transferred some pokes over to the bank and have a see what I want
    I'm around to trade whenever you are!
    Hello. I just realized that the Salandit I asked you to edit still has Hidden Power Dark. Can you edit the IVs of my Salandit to 31/x/31/31/31/31 and teach it Hidden Power Water? I'm sorry for not mentioning this sooner, but I have been busy with other things and I was also breeding for the last 3 pokemon you just edited for me yesterday. I'll pay again for the edit if you want me to.
    That's the spirit ;) I'll be needed a lot of Pokemon edited soon and a lot more created once pokebank is up and running. Don't want to transfer all my high level pokes over from my OR and X, will want a bit of a change...
    Thanks so much again!
    Hope you're not planning on closing your store anytime soon...I'd have no use for my tbt ;) lmao
    Thanks for the pokemon! I'll probably be using a lot more of my TBT in the future from your shop. There are a lot of pokemon I would like from my ORAS/XY games. I don't like having to pay to use pokebank because pokemon trading used to always be a free service.
    Can you replace it with Psychic then? If that doesn't work, you can just trade it back to me with just Shadow Ball and Energy Ball.
    And I agree, searching for people on a list is fine until they don't appear on both ends...
    And I can't wait to have pokebank back, miss my charizard :(
    Would have helped if I'd remembered to send them over I guess ;)
    Sorry about that! Distracted by criminal minds
    Same happened to mine right before you sent that vm saying you couldn't see me! You were there and then not! I really haven't got used to it yet
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