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  • I think that's all the pokemon. ^^ When should I pick them up? I could stay up for an hour or so more, or I could get them tomorrow if you need more time!
    Don't worry about that! I'll connect in a second, hopefully you're still there. ^^
    Ah, that's a shame! I was hoping to complete my pokedex with all shiny entries, but oh well. I'd still like the other edits I asked for and I edited my post to remove the impossible requests. I'd also removed two of the Tapus, since I only wanted them for the shinies. I'll keep my offer the same though!
    Thank you for answering my questions and looking into the hidden abilities!
    As for the transfer pokemon, I will likely be back when getting them becomes possible, since there are a few that I'd like to breed. ^^

    I've sent over the 300 TBT and added you on my 3DS! I'll try to stay in the plaza, so hopefully we can catch each other. Going to be there for a while from now, I will also connect tomorrow if we don't make it today!
    It did! He looks awesome thanks so much! And I was having a pain trying to evolve him so hopefully he's more comfortable in that ball, unless he just doesn't like me lmao ;)
    Thanks so much!!
    Oh don't worry about that, I should probably be able to work the prices out by now! Lmao ;)
    Thank you for that! I can always get a custom created one if anything didn't go right :)
    I kind of thought that would be the case :( nevermind! He looks so awesome shiny too
    I'll send tbt over, let me know when you're ready :)
    Just posted an edit order on your thread, in case you miss it :)
    So it's the custom Pokemon order, the munchlax edit (and Greninja if possible) and the 2 extra items if possible please (black sludge and oval stone)
    Is that okay?
    Sorry for spamming your wall! But do you know if Greninja can be made shiny?
    And also if the pokeball can be changed or if it has to stay the default one?
    Oh, don't worry about my Mimikyu just reached level 46 and was able to learn play rough! I thought I'd missed my chance for that. Really need to have a look at the movesets and levels for these things. I've no idea what level anybody gets anything...

    Just the custom Pokemon then please if that's alright with you :) can I also add a couple of extra items if possible please - black sludge and oval stone, how much extra is that? :)
    Don't worry about it, if you could just replace flare blitz with something random :) should have checked those moves first! Same for Solgaleo, unless he can have flame charge instead
    And I wasn't sure on the levelling so that's fine too :)
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