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  • Sure! Just let me know. I will probably be cooking dinner in 15 mins. Ill be back around 7:30 pms pst.
    theres no limit, you can join again. since were having connection issues, i will need to come to your town c:
    i will online 7hrs later and until midnight...hope can trade with u during that period of time(online 3-11PM in HK)(GMT + 8)
    i mark ur request in my thread..(pls remember all items are reserved 2 days until following deadline)
    jasond3 (200kIGB)[Deadline:26th Jan.-23PM in HK timing]
    -sweet table x1
    -sweet chair x1
    today I have pink, yellow, green heart
    red bunny
    plain blue (not cyan, darker)
    Deadline of trading: 24th Jan(Sun-23PM) in HK....hope u can get ur products...(detail are listed in my thread)

    jasond3 (100kIGB)[Deadline:24th Jan.-23PM in HK]
    -sweet table x1
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